Trip Recap
Among many highlights, Music Beyond's tenth trip to Congo saw the creation of our All-Female Chamber Ensemble’s first-ever music video. The recording process took place in a makeshift studio inside a local church over the course of one eight-hour day. Unpredictable conditions (the electricity went out more than four times) and extremely high temperatures made the process all the more challenging and rewarding in the end. Music Beyond looks forward to sharing the final product in the coming months!
In the middle of long days of workshops, a beautiful tradition of sharing lunch prepared by local women has emerged between founding president Kaori Fujii and the musicians. Traditional Congolese dishes like makayabu, pondu, and fufu make frequent appearances. While Music Beyond is thrilled to be able to provide lunch for workshop musicians throughout our trips, we look forward to continuing to expand and having even more opportunities to support the musicians in a variety of ways in their daily lives. In Kaori’s own words, “Music Beyond started with a simple idea of music teacher training, but in time, we started to wonder what more we could do “beyond” music, through music.”
After a final concert at the Japanese Ambassador’s Residence, Héritier Mayimbi, the concertmaster of the Kimbanguist Symphony Orchestra, left Kaori with beautiful words to reflect on at the end of the trip: “I know it’s not easy to come all the way here and work with us, and I’m sure it’s frustrating sometimes. But I wanted to thank you for everything that you do, especially with the women [of the orchestra]. You have known them for a year, but we have known them for 20 years. And we could never have imagined that they would ever want to perform in front of people. What you are doing is immeasurable, not just musically but personally and for their confidence.”
Join the music education movement in the Democratic Republic of Congo by becoming a member. Member support of Music Beyond brings you closer to Congo with priority updates, the opportunity to sponsor a musician, member-exclusive events, special discounts, and more.
音楽家たちと藤井香織が昼食を共にする、という美しい習慣が日々の長時間にわたるワークショップの中で自然に生まれました。マカヤブ、ポンドゥー、フフなどといったコンゴの郷土料理が並ぶ昼食。Music Beyondはワークショップ中に音楽家に食事の提供ができることを嬉しく思っています。これを第一歩に、音楽家としてだけではなく、彼らの生活を支援する様々な方法も考えていきたいと思っています。藤井香織は、「音楽教師育成、というシンプルなコンセプトで始まったMusic Beyond。でも時と共に『Music (音楽)』を通して音楽以上の影響を与えることはできるのか、と考え始めました。この旅が終わった今、できる、と確信しています。Music “Beyond“という名前の通り、音楽を通して、音楽の域を越える活動をしていこう、と心に誓った旅でした。」と語っていました。
この美しい言葉を胸に、これからもさらなるサポートができるよう前進していこう、とMusic Beyond一同心に誓った旅でした。
スポンサーとしてコンゴの音楽家と個人的な関わりを持つ機会や、一早いお知らせ、会員のみのイベント、特別割引などなど、様々な特典が付くMusic Beyond会員になりませんか?